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trend forecasting overview

what we do

Our trend forecasting is directly intended for creatives, sector companies and operators requiring completely custom-made tools for stylistic search and for analysing and developing the latest fashion trends, and which can be used to create new clothing, footwear and accessory collections.

Unlike other studios, we do not create generic trend books, but rather true operational tools which present trends for the coming collections, developing them based on styles, targets and intended uses for each client.


This operational methodology allows us to create highly-productive tools, which are clearer and simpler for designers and design studios to understand, and can be easily interpreted by licensees and production companies with small internal design departments.


We develop the general trends of the coming seasons dividing and organising them into styles and intended uses, providing books with hundreds of pages and pictures of examples for clearly understanding coming trends and easily coming up with inspiration and ideas for new clothing items and new collections, suited to your clientele and in line with the distinctive brand features.

contact us

keep intouch

For any additional information about our activities, please don't hesitate to contact us.

  • Valeria Battel
  • Trends forecasting
  • +39 339 6945 945
  • Milan - ITALY
  • Luca Munari
  • Photography
  • +39 339 6945 946
  • Milan - ITALY
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